Welcome to the DSBA Student Member Page
The content on this page is meant to provide you with opportunities to enhance your law school experience by using the Bar Association’s membership tools and to hopefully forge a relationship between you and the Bar. While we will try to update all information on this page as soon as possible, you may have to use your own resources to supplement any information here.
Why Become a Student Member?
The Delaware State Bar Association is the Voice of the Legal Community. As an attorney, there is an expectation among clients and hiring partners that you will be part of the legal community.
All lawyers, not just new ones, need connections in order to find jobs, get referrals, learn the law, develop a practice. The Bar Association, through educational and social activities gives you those connections.
Membership gains you access to FREE legal research, a tailored newsfeed, discounts, membership in influential bar sections, professional guidance, and mentoring. For more information on the benefits you can receive, check out our members benefits page by clicking the button below.
How Do I Become a Member?
- Simply download this form: LAW STUDENT MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION.
2. Obtain a sponsor who is a member of the DSBA. If you need help finding a sponsor, contact ltucker@dsba.org and we can help you find one.
3. Submit it to: Membership Director, Delaware State Bar Association, 704 North King Street, Suite 110 Wilmington, DE 19801 or email directly to LaTonya Tucker, Director of Membership (ltucker@dsba.org).
4. Fee: A $25 student member fee is required. Membership will be automatic upon payment and an email will be sent to you confirming membership and providing you with a website login and student bar number.
How Do I Get a Preceptor?
A preceptor must be a member in good standing with the Delaware Bar for at least 5 years. Many new attorneys have contacts from their schools or internships, but DSBA also offers you a way to find a preceptor using our Mentoring Program which can be accessed — HERE —.
How Do I Do My “Clerkship Requirements?”
You should consult the Board of Bar Examiners Website to follow all rules and regulations required to become a member of the Delaware Bar.
In order to help you the DSBA has assembled some helpful hints on completing your requirements, but PLEASE consult the Board of Bar Examiners and follow their guidelines.
The current list of Board Clerkship Requirements is found HERE. (This is the entire 2018 Bar Application. Clerkship requirements are listed therein.)
We have tried to identify those items below and have indicated how you might best fulfill them. Click on each toggle to see our best suggestion on how to fulfill this requirement:
Civil trials in JP Court can sometimes be difficult to find. Your best bet is to ask the Staff Attorney for JP Court to help you find a trial to attend. She can be reached at Jody.Huber@delaware.gov.
Getting information. Please check back later.
Getting information. Please check back later.
These calendars are updated daily and usually represent the trials in progress. When you arrive at the courthouse, you may need to ask the Information Desk for the location of the trial. Often the bailiffs of each court can also guide you.
The audio recording of the civil CCP trial is available for listening through the Board of Bar Examiners.
Getting information. Please check back later.
Most mediations are held in attorneys offices, however occasionally there are some held in the Chambers of the court. The best way to schedule an ADR hearing – usually mediation or arbitration, is to work with your preceptor or mentor to assist you in finding one being conducted by a local attorney.
The American Arbitration Association might be able to help you and their contact information is: Philadelphia – Maria Landi at LandiM@adr.org or call (215) 731-2280. Vorhees, New Jersey – Toll free number: 877-495-4185. There is no Delaware office.
Sentencing are generally held on Fridays in Superior Court but could be held on any day in the form of a Violation of Probation Hearing or a specially-scheduled sentencing or even as part of an immediate sentence at the time of a plea. These should be listed on the calendars below, depending on the day you access it:
Superior Court jury selections are generally handled on Mondays thru Thursdays, although Mondays and Tuesdays tend to be the more likely days for these to take place. Staff in the Jury Services Offices for each county are very helpful, although you need to let them do their jobs. Our best suggestion is to go early in the morning before selections begin (jurors are summoned at 8 a.m. and jury selections are often begun at 9 a.m.) and let the jury services persons know you need to watch a jury selection as part of your clerkship requirements. When they are given notice of a jury selection to take place they can let you know which courtroom will hold the selection.
Normally, the trial begins fairly soon after selection, but you should check with the bailiff to see where the trial will take place so you can complete the opening statement portion of the next requirements. After opening statements, you can stay for the first witness in which there is likely to be both direct and cross of a witness.
District Court information is not available.
Pre-trial conferences can sometimes be difficult to find. They may be listed on the calendars linked in some of the above toggles, but you may also want to contact your preceptor to help you find a civil case in the court of your choosing. Judges normally set the dates for their pre-trial conferences and these are often held in chambers. You may need to gain permission from the judge’s secretary to attend.
Watching a civil motion in the courtroom is not difficult, but finding one to fit your schedule may be. They are normally held in the courtroom.
The second half of this requirement is probably the most difficult as you will need access to the motion being heard. Again, your preceptor is your best way to access what you need here. Once you find a motion hearing to watch, you will often have an opportunity to ask the clerk or case manager once the proceeding is done to view the motion that was heard. This may or may not be possible in the courtroom and you may need to follow the clerk back to the office.
The Court of Chancery does not have a direct link to their calendar and the best way to find their calendar is use the Delaware Courts Calendars page. Court of Chancery trials can be found in the top link on that page and will require a download to see the trials and other information.
Each Court has a designated person to file appeals. The best place to find an appeal to the Supreme Court and the designation of the record on appeal is to ask the clerk’s office to speak with the appeals clerk or the person who handles the appeals. Depending on the county, there are usually any number of appeals to review.
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Getting more information. Please check back later.
Once you are aware of a Supreme Court argument date, you MUST ATTEND IN PERSON. Live streaming for Supreme Court arguments is: https://courts.delaware.gov/supreme/oralarguments/ BUT to fulfill the clerkship requirement, you must attend a live session of oral arguments.
This is something that you will need to do with an attorney. Your preceptor is your best source of a contact for this requirement.
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Seeking further information.
Seeking further information.
Seeking further information.
There is a State public meeting link for the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner found HERE although it will require you scroll through weeks for hearing dates.
The Commissioner’s assistant might also be of assistance at 302-577-5222. Please use discretion and be courteous when contacting our busy public servants.
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